Projects abroad, Arusha, Mai 2016
"Here are the pictures from our last distribution! Awesome moments, priceless smiles!
Again thank you for the donations,those smile would melt a heart !"
Jackie Ali, Arusha/Tanzania
Children Home Tuwapenda Watoto in Bunju, April 2016
"Our Tuwapende Watoto children spent a wonderful time distributing the balls from myball.ch. With huge bags we walked to a poor part in our neighourhood. The children carried also balls in their arms - even our youngest took part and helped. He, too, seemed to be pleased to give away the ball he carried. I gave waterproof markers to the older children and they wrote the names of the children on the balls. The joy of the children was huge. I hope, that this can be seen on the pictures we took. Some of the children were very surprised and could hardly believe their luck!"
Ruth Bütikofer, April 2016
Projects abroad, Arusha, April 2016
Children Home Tuwapenda Watoto in Dar es Salaam, March 2016
"Some of your playballs have been distributed by our volunteers to children in kindergardens and daycare centers. In the name of the children and the foundation board of Tuwapende Watoto I would like to thank you very much for the playballs. The children as well as the teachers were very pleased. The playballs will be guarded by the teachers and principal of the schools so that all children my play with them."
Ruth Bütikofer, president of the foundation Tuwapende Watoto
Private Distribution
Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, February 2016
"In February, we were in Dar-es-Salaam to help a charitable organization. On our last day some children of an orphanage came to us and we spent a couple of hours together. So, we had the opportunity to distribute a ball to each child. After having written the name of the child on the ball, the children started to play immediately. The yellow spots enlightend the room and brought laughter, joy and some carefree time. Young and old played with the balls - even the head of the orphanage ;-)
For us, it was wonderful to give some pleasure to these children, who have hardly anything. Through myball.ch we experienced again the joy small things can make. Thank you, dear Steiner Family, for this opportunity and thank you for giving pleasure to lots of children in world. We are always ready to be ball-carriers again!"
Mirja and Cornelia Hüppi, Berikon
Projects abroad, Dar es Salaam, February 2016
We distributed some balls to orphanages in Dar this week. We gave 10 balls to each Orphanage because of the number of Children. 4 Boxes out of the 6 will be sent to Arusha so that they can also distribute the balls they have more Preschools. We plan to distribute more balls in the coming weeks.
Laurent Kaheta
Children Home Tuwapenda Watoto in Dar es Salaam, February 2016
Im Februar wurden 600 Bälle dem Kinderheim Tunapenda Watoto in Dares Salaam / Tanzania übergeben. Die Bälle werden von den Verantwortlichen in Schulen, Waisenheimen und an Kinder in umliegenden Dörfern verteilt.
Private Distribution
myball distribution in Arusha, 2014
„We bought several hand pumps, so the older children could inflate their balls themselves and take both at home. We distributed the balls in an orphanage in Arusha as well as to children we met on the way. Their joy was huge! The sceptical expression on the children’s faces soon changed into a broad smile. It was a great experience also for us.”
Felix Baur, Berikon
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