Private distribution in Sutoru, Salaj county, Autumn 2021
In Romania the yellow balls from have been distributed in a gipsy mission. The children decorated the balls additionally. They had great fun and were proud of their work. Peter Hauri
In August, two holiday camps in Bedeni, a place in a beautiful rural area, has been offered to children of a big city. Together with lovely gifts such as cuddle toys and pretty cups, each child received also a yellow ball to take home. For a long time, these gifts will keep the happy memories of the camp alive.
The photos we received show the great joy the children had.
Silvia Luginbühl
Private Distribution / Ghimbav, February 2016
"The children home 'PeCa' for abandoned children is situated in Ghimbav close to Brasov. The children were all left by their parents. As poverty in Romania is still widely spread, it is not possible for many families to rise their children themselves. The children were very happy to receive the yellow balls and played with lots of energy."
Simon Bosch / February 2016
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