Informatics for Africa, November 2022
"During my visit in Cameroon I distributed your balls to children on the way and I gave the balls for distribution to our partners. Due to security reasons I couldn't visit all our projects and therefore I met our partners outside the conflict area. Especially during this difficult time your balls are a much appreciated gift and are received with great pleasure by the children."
Rosina Hug, project manager
Informatics for Africa, November 2017
"During my trip in December 2017 I could distribute many balls, which I had sent to Cameroon together with ITmaterial to various project partners, orphanages, kindergardens and so on. Although the political situation in the englishspoken west of Cameroon is very tense and teachers as well as the staff of the justice are on strike, I went on this trip and visited our projects. I was so pleased to give the yellow balls from to the children, as this meant some distraction in their everyday life. Thanks a lot to also in the name of many children in Cameroon."
Informatik for Africa, Rosina Hug, project manager
Informatics for Africa, June 2016
"Thanks to your project I could give pleasure to some more children. With disbelief they took the balls I gave them. In Awing, a small place next to Bamenda, I visited the public nursery school and gave a ball to each child. A white woman with balls was very special to them! Only when I had left the playground, did the children dare to play."
Rosina Hug
Ashia Kamerun, 2016
"In Mayo Darle we handed over one playball to each class. In Bali Nyonga we could give a playball to all children in our neighbourhood. In the Name of all those children we would like to thank you so much for the playballs they received from you. The children were overjoyed.
Katja & Felix Bruhin,
Distribution Kindergarten Primary School Mayo Darle Adamaoua Region
Distribution in Bali Nyonga
Informatik for Afrika, 2015
"Once again I could distribute playballs from during my visit of our projects in Cameroon. Some children looked at me with huge disbelieving eyes when I wanted to give them a ball. But as soon as they realized that they may keep the ball as a gift, their joy was highly visible. On my project trip I travelled to the west of Cameroon and therefore distributed the playballs in Buea, Kumba, Bamenda, also in the grassland of Cameroon as well as in orphanages and schools which I passed on the way."
Rosina Hug, Project Manager, Informatics for Africa
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